Your body is the medium through which you experience the world.

I specialise in treating chronic pain, stress, trauma and injuries. I can help you alleviate tension, manage stress or anxiety, or simply improve your overall sense of well-being in your body. I utilise a holistic approach to create greater balance between your body and mind.

I have been fascinated by the human body all my life. I have been fortunate to have trained with some of the best bodyworkers in the UK and the US. My core training was undertaken with The Massage Training Institute and Jing. I have also trained with Darrien Pritchard, Teach Therapy, John Gibbons, and Neil Asher.

I use a wide range of techniques in my bodywork, drawing on Eastern and Western modalities. These include deep tissue massage, myofascial release, hot and cold stonework, craniosacral techniques, subtle energy work and trigger point therapy. My work is to flow my techniques together in a way that does not promote pain but enables your body to bring itself into balance. Every person I work with receives a tailored treatment that meets their needs.

Good massage is a two-way process where you and I meet and work together. Every treatment is unique and I do not work to any set routine. "Massage is like a dance" - it flows, is intuitive and allows the body to find its pathway to healing. I will communicate with you and work 'with' you towards your goals rather than just 'doing' massage to you.

An important element of my work is helping you to facilitate a deeper understanding of your body. I do this in a variety of ways drawing on yoga, movement, breathwork and mindfulness. I love to enable people to take ownership of their healing and I believe that sustainable self-care comes from having a range of different tools and techniques to draw on.

I do not fix people - no therapist can do that. I prefer to think of myself as the person who facilitates your body to begin healing itself. You are the participant in this process. Your body will speak and we will listen. When we listen, we can understand what needs to change so that pain, stress or imbalance can be released. If you have questions about how my massage works, click here to find out more.

Holistic Massage